and other sweet things

EVERYONE – ROSH HASHANAH (1 Tishri 5773 – sunset September 16, 2012) …item 2.. Sweet Dishes for Rosh Hashanah (Sept 11, 2012 / 24 Elul 5772) …

Some cool sweet foods to make at home images:


– Rosh Hashanah (1 Tishri 5773 – sunset September 16, 2012) … Article 2 .. Sweet foods for Rosh Hashanah (September 11 Elul 2012/24 5772) … Sweet to home do
image marsmet545 – * ALL is always welcome at Chabad regardless of prior knowledge or background. We are all here to learn and grow together ……… ***** All images are coprighted by their respective authors ………… aish.comNous approach Rosh Hashanah, the day of judgment, hope and joy, and we eat sweet foods as an omen for a new year douce.Voici few dishes to add your Rosh Hashanah table ….. … Item 1) …. Oberlin College Conservatory & … oncampus Oberlin … www.JewishOberlin.comshlomoelkan @ .. 404-754 Hashanah is 2208Roch-away-registration one week in September Habad10 rel = “nofollow”> Rosh Hashanah Sunday 16 September @ 19:30 Dinner holiday Chabad House (111 N. Pleasant Street) Monday, 17 September and Tuesday Sept.18th @ 10:00 Interactive Services w / discussion about the importance of prayer – Shofar Blowing @ (following breakfast meals) 12:15 Carnagie Hall Racine * ALL is always welcome at Chabad regardless of prior knowledge or background. We are all here to learn and grow together …….. Item 2) …. … / h / hh … Jewish holidays HOME WINNING HIGH holiday … sweet dishes table for Rosh HashanahAjouter these delicious recipes to your Rosh Hashanah ……………………. img code photo ……………. Sweet foods for Rosh Hashanah ………………………………. 11 septembre 2012/24 Elul 5772par Tzirel Chana www. / h / hh / r / Sweet Dish-for-Roch-Hashanah.html As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the day of judgment, hope and joy, and we eat sweet foods as an omen for a New Year, some dishes add douce.Voici your Rosh Hashanah table ….. GARNITURESCAROTTES grilléesAdapté —– Martha Stewart.C is an old tradition of eating carrots on Rosh Hashanah because the Yiddish word for carrots means mer “increase” and we all want good things that increase while annéePensez this as an alternative to traditional steamed carrots Tzimmes. Roasting brings the sweetness of the carrots’ natural. You do not even need to add honey, but it’s nice about the new year ……………………….. img code photo …… Roasted carrots / images / tzirel_rhcarrots.jpg …… ……………………. 12 carrots, peeled and olivePincée in quartiers2 tablespoons oil kosher salt and a little black pepper grinding frais.Optionnel 2 tablespoons carrots and mielPeler quarter. Place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and season mielCuire in a preheated oven 245 C or 475 F until they are soft and eat right away … —– RIZCe Rosh Hashanah dish is partly born by my mother regularly inspired Hungarian born rice and plums teams and mother in the Indian Law, which turned into my favorite curry spice. It’s easy to do and tinted yellow, it looks beautiful on the plate …………………………. Img code photo … Rosh Hashanah RICE / images / tzirel_rhrice.jpg ….. ……………………. 2 tablespoons oil olive2 riz1 mug cup raisins plums dénoyautés1 secs1 DC SEL1 powder coffee pinch curryUne cannelle2 bouillante.Faire cups water Heat the oil, raisins and prunes, rice and épices.Faire on back together for about 2 minutes.Versez water . Reduce the pan and let simmer enter until the water boils off (18 minutes) ….. PLATSPOULET HONEY APPLEAdapté —– Joan Nathan, “Quiches Kugel, and Couscous” My search for Jewish cooking in France.Ce dish that contains both apples and honey is an old favorite of the Rosh Hashanah Jewish Metz in France … …………………………. img code photo … HONEY CHICKEN APPLES / images / tzirel_rhchicken.jpg …. ……………………….. A large roasting chicken (1 kilo or 4 ¾ lb) t ¼ teaspoon black pepper mouluJe cannelleJ’ai peeled onion or half a dozen shallots épluchéesA few cloves of fresh garlic, peeled and left whole. Add as many as you souhaitez.1 and 1/3 cup chicken broth 1 bouillon blanc wine tasse3 apples, cored and chopped (Nathan recommends Fuji Pippins or because their red skins make the dish nicely. I could not find it and substituted Granny Smith, the very good taste) Preheat oven to 375 ° F or 190 CFrotter poulet placer spices in the chicken in large roasting pan. Chopped onions or shallots, garlic, wine and broth pouletCuire oven for 45 to 30 minutes plusRetirer minutes.Ajouter apples bake covered. Bake uncovered 10 minutes .. —– HONEY Gedempte MEAT – (FASHIONED roast) A classic Jewish. Simply delicious and tasty roast around. Add honey ………………………….. for a special touch Rosh Hashana img code photo … HONEY Gedempte MEAT – (FASHIONED roast) / images / tzirel_rhgedempte.jpg …………………………. ¾ c. SEL 1/2 c. black pepper moulu1 T. paprika4 lbs. (About 2 kg). Poitrine4 hachés2 onions garlic hachées.2 T mielMélanger spices and honey and rub into beef for the taste pénétrerFaire Heat a heavy-bottomed pot. Add a tablespoon of oil and brown the meat on all côtés.Ajouter onion and garlic. Next brown over medium heat for 10 minutesCouvrir, 2 cups water and cook on low heat for 2 1/2 hours or until the meat is meat tendre.Retourner often adding water if necessary. (There should be an inch of water in the roast at any time) Slice and serve with the sauce. For 8. Freezes very well …… DESSERTS: LILIAN aunt —– pommesDe cake “in the Jewish Bakery” by Stanley Ginsberg and Norman Berg.Pendant years I have eaten the apple cake, light and fluffy and full of apples searched. That’s it. Heavenly img code photo ……………………………. LILIAN aunt apple pie / images / tzirel_rhappcake.jpg … ……………………… 4 medium Granny Smith apples, cored, peeled and cut into morceaux11 / 2 t sugar T2 cannelle3 cups flour (whole wheat pastry flour is fine) baking powder 1 T 1/2 cup SEL4 oeufs1 large cup cups huile2 sucre1 / 2 cup orange juice or milk t soja.1 vanillePréchauffer extract Preheat oven to 350 ° C or 175 ° CMélanger apple slices with cinnamon and sugar and let it take the sucreTamiser ensembleEn dry ingredients with an electric mixer beat eggs until thick and light yellow. Oil and sugar well mélanger.Ajouter flour mixture. One cup at a time, alternating with the orange juice (or soy milk) mixing between the individual ajout.Vaporisez three box shape or fireplace or furnace tube Pam.Verser the dough 1/3 in the pan then 1/3 arrange the apple pieces. , Repeat. FinCuire up in the oven for 50-60 minutes in a loaf pan or 60-70 minutes in a bundt pan A tester of wet because of pommes.Yum. Freezes well … —– VIN Pears pochéesDe Arthur Schwartz “Jewish Home Cooking” barren fruit Because the Yiddish name for pears connotes fertility (fruit), some Jews the obligation to serve at the table Rosh Hashanah. These pretty purple tinted pears pears are a refreshing treat after a meal. And cover your bulbs in the refrigerator for several weeks hold. Arthur Schwartz argued that the acquisition of left-to-syrup makes a delicious drink seltzer added ………………………….. . img code photo … PEAR WINE POACHED / images / tzirel_rhpear.jpg …. ………………………. 1 cup water 1 cup red wine and ½ cup sucre1 doux6 firm ripe pears (Bosc Israel where I live I could only Anjou that do not absorb the wine and Boscs but always in good taste) Peel pairs leaving the stem intact. (No need of base or seed) Boil sugar, water and vin.Insérez peeled pears. Simmer together for an hour, turning pears occasionally so they can refuel couleur.Réfrigérer in an airtight container and serve very cold …..


… Article 2 .. A Whole Foods Rosh Hashanah (September 14, 2012/27 Elul 5772) … Article 3 .. The taste of autumn (October 6, 2012) … Sweet to home do
image marsmet542 Use only the best. Sense, the real thing. And buy food during cooking and, uh, you, like me, “Is not nothing like the real thing!” The immortal song Shana Tova and enjoy the recipes! ……… ***** All images are by their respective authors …………… Pos) 1 ……. Jewcy … Brought to you by … TABLET.MAGAZINE Rosh Hashanah resolutions Mayim Bialik, Dr. Ruth and plusPar Jewcy Staff 13th September, 20125773 launch of high vacancies from some of your favorite Jews more ….. … Item 2) ……. / h / hh / r … HOME Jewish holidays holiday high income … A Whole Foods to establish Roch HachanaLa Jewish, … in a sweet year through the kitchen ………………………. img code photo … Whole Foods Rosh Hashanah …………… …………… by Levana Kirschenbaum14 septembre 2012/27 Elul 5772 www.aish . com / h / hh / r / A-Whole-Foods-Roch Hashanah.html The following dishes are excerpts from my latest book, Cooking the Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen: Glorious Meals Pure and simple.Les three golden rules the estate: Location, location, location are my: .. Streamline simplify, optimize simplify rationalize costs. Steps to rationalize the number of tools and utensils of all, there is one thing that gives you all this rationalization, delicious, painlessly and without effort, and naturally beautiful: Use only the best. Meaning, the real thing. And while shopping and cooking, uh, you like me, “Is not nothing like the real thing!” the immortal song Shana Tova and enjoy the recipes! .. —– Kabocha POTATO SOUP DOUCEPréféré my daughter Bella. I brought him a bowl of her when she had her baby. However, there does not seem to be tired and enjoys with her baby. I’ve always noticed with pleasure that all kids love it! A blow to all on board, then it cream at the end of cooking …………………………. . img code photo … Sweet potato soup Kabocha / images / levana_kabsoup.jpg …. Kabocha squash ……………………… 1, 2 pounds, unpeeled, cored and cut into pieces (with a hammer) 2 large sweet potatoes, cut into large morceaux1 large red onion, in large morceaux2 cup red lentils or yellow split peas (Passover: 2 large potatoes, cut into pieces) sliced ​​6 celery ribs pelées1 large bunch dill, leaves and tiges1 / 3 cup oil olive6 bay leaves, or 1 tablespoon Café1 tablespoons of sea salt curcumaLe goûtTrois liters (12 cups) eauPoivre goûtAmener hard all the ingredients to a boil in a large pot. Reduce to medium, cover and cook1 hours. Cream with a hand blender. Adjust the seasoning and texture. Give adequate servings of a dozen … —– Roasted Salmon with MAPLE GLAZE (gluten) ¨ C One of my favorites and a lot of regulars alike. The range of flavors and dazzling short did his magic with almost no work. You can never say you’re bored salmon again! Bluefish can be adapted here, and any thick white fish (bass, mahi-mahi, halibut, etc.) ………………………. img code photo ……. ROASTED SALMON WITH MAPLE GLAZE (gluten) / images / levana_roastsalmon.jpg …………………………. 1/3 cup syrup to taste or less1 whole sides of salmon, érable2 tablespoon tablespoon mustard sauce soja3 Dijon3 tablespoon sesame oil grillé1 tablespoon cracked pepper approx third Books from the skin, bones cut, preheat oven to 500F. Mix all ingredients load, but give in a bowl. Place the salmon skin side down in a baking dish that will fit just about big enough for them perfectly in a single layer (if you have empty spaces, liquids burn). Pour the sauce over the fish. Bake 18 minutes, or a minute or two longer, until the fish is cooked but firm grip. Transfer to a plate and pour the pan juices over the fish. Serve warm or at room temperature. Makes 8 servings of the main dish, or a dozen large parts cours.Découper first salmon sides on the outside of each half a salmon dish, opaque band, the notice extends the entire length of the fish: It is very thick and fleshy, and not wearing nothing but a taste of oily fish. No pity, cut and dispose of all: You’re not wasting, save the salmon. PS: sushi salmon this part to great advantage, but you’re not a sushi restaurant, and not equipped with knowledge and quality control, please do not go so well and the order in a sushi restaurant! .. —– Beef Bourguignon (gluten) go Spend a wonderful evening with some classic French and a little wine with dinner! Incidentally, my bourguignon in your spellbook Joan Schwartz, falsely innocent, meat and potatoes contain himself. My secret ingredient here is the crème de cassis, wonderful blackcurrant liqueur. To peel onions small, throw them into a pot of boiling water for a minute: The skins slip right away. Better yet, frozen small onions (also known as white onions). This dish heats very well and improves with age, so go ahead and make it a day or two in advance ………………… img code photo ………….. Beef Bourguignon (gluten) / images / levana_boeufb.jpg .. ……………………….. 4 pounds beef or bison shoulder, into 2-inch cubes cut ragoût6 cups water ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil with garlic olive6, pelées2 cups dry red wine ¼ cup crème de cassis (liquor stores; Pesah: Use a nice berry liqueur) 2 large tomatoes into small cut des1 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper moulu6 bay leaves, or 1 tablespoon café4 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves only (or throw in all industries, but do not forget to, at the end of cooking throw) 2 pounds carrots very fine long , peeled (around 20 non carrots) 20 very small organic potatoes, cleaned (only organic potatoes are safe with skins on) 2 dozen small onions, peeled and left whole Frozen (OK: they are already peeled) a on baking tray: Place beef, water and oil in a heavy, large skillet bottom. Bring to a boil. Reduce the medium and cook, covered, for 2 hours. Garlic, wine, black currants, tomatoes, pepper and bay leaves and add an additional 30 minutes. Add the thyme, carrots, potatoes and onions and cook for 30 minutes. The meat should be fork tender. Transfer. The meat and vegetables on a platter with a slotted spoon When the remaining liquid in the pot is too thin, reduce over high heat until it thickens to the consistency of maple syrup has. Pour the reduced liquid over the dish and serve hot. 8 produces a portions.Avec Crock-Pot: Layer all ingredients except water (no water) in a 6-liter crock-pot, in the order they were given. Set the crock-pot to low in the morning. It will be ready for dinner (10 to 12 hours total cooking time) Variant. Try the dish with dark stout beer instead of wine, as my daughter-in-law is Ruthie … —– HOT AND SWEET PANAISCeux of you that my first book, Levana table, this dish very often, I say always. It fits so well in this book, I did it belong here too! Parsnips are often poor audience as an actor, then discarded (as in chicken soup), but here they are “it”. Who would have thought they could so fabulous? 1 parsnip dozen thin, peeled and left whole (higher for 5-6 step, peeled and quartered lengthwise) …… ………………….. img code photo … Parsnips warm and soft / images / levana_parsnips.jpg …. ……………………. 2 cups water to 3 tablespoons oil olive3 tablespoons sugar or Sucanat1 tablespoon teaspoon paprika1 curcuma1 / 4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, to taste or give less1 tablespoon cinnamon and pepper moulueSel goûtPlacez all ingredients in a large heavy saucepan and boil. Reduce heat to medium, cover, and hold for about 20 minutes longer, until the parsnips are tender and the liquid has thickened into the pot. Pour the sauce over the parsnips. Serve warm or at room temperature. Makes 8 servings .. —– CRANBERRY BREAD MILK ABRICOTJ’ai often concoct this delicious after a party, when I look at my recycle leftover bread. Warning gluten free guests: This is for you too! Each bread is, as long as it’s not too crispy (in other words, not with ciabatta or baguette!) To do. They love the thrill and bold ruby ​​spots add cranberries. Nothing to do: All Aboard a step and you’re done! Individual Desserts: Pour into greased muffin tins and reduce the cooking time to 45 minutes ……………………….. img code photo …….. CRANBERRY bread pudding APRICOT / images / levana_cranbread.jpg .. …………………………. Loaf of bread £ 1, gluten OK, milk in large cups or morceaux3 cut dairy-free low-fat milk, fruit cups OK4 oeufs2 canned apricots ½ cup sucre1 huile2 tablespoons water orange blossom (just 2 tablespoons orange zest) 3 tablespoons apricot brandy or rhum3 cups fresh or frozen cranberries , coarsely chopped (robot) Preheat oven to 375 ° F. Mix all ingredients except cranberries in a bowl by hand, break bread and preserves as you go. Fold in cranberries. The mixture into a greased 9 x 13 inch pan or a greased 10-inch round pan. Bake about 1 hour or a little longer, until the custard is nice and swollen, and the center is firm. Serve warm or at room temperature, alone or with Caramel Sauce (page 39), and a scoop of sorbet or vanilla ice cream. Enter portions.Variante a dozen: Apple Bread Pudding registration of cranberries and orange blossom water and reduce milk 2 cups. Add 4 Granny Smith (green) apples, unpeeled and coarsely grated and 2 tablespoons cinnamon. Proceed as above dessus.Cliquez here to order: The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen: Glorious Meals Pure and simple.Extrait courtesy of The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen Cookbook By Levana Kirshenbaum …….. Point 3) …. Orthodox Union … … Jewish Action … The Magazine of the Orthodox Union … The taste of automnepar Helen Nash | 6 October 2012 sales “” After the summer holidays, foods, healthy meals can be more attractive with the advent of autumn eggplant relish. – 4 is a versatile portionsL’aubergine vegetables, which can be produced in various ways. This dish is very simple to do, as the peppers, peeled, diced fairly. I like to serve this warm drink savoureux.Aubergines … 1 medium (about 1 to 1 1/4 lb), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes … 3 tablespoons sesame oil … 1 small red onion, finely chopped … 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped … 2 small chillies, seeded and finely chopped … 1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut 1/2-inch cubes … 1 yellow pepper, seeded and diced 1/2-inch1 spoonful of sugar …… 1 tablespoon soy sauce … 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, about … Kosher salt … Freshly ground black pepper … 1/2 cup cilantro easily tasséePréchauffer oven to 400 °. Align the mounting of a broiler pan with foil. Place eggplant on and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon sesame oil. Spread in a single layer. Roasted eggplant for 10-15 minutes or until almost a doux.Dans medium saucepan with a lid heat the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil and add the onion, ginger and jalapeno. Sauté for a few minutes, covered, until the onion is soft. Add peppers and eggplant. Cook for a few minutes over medium heat, uncovered, for many. Mélanger.Incorporer sugar, soy sauce and vinegar Season with salt, pepper and vinegar. Add cilantro before servir.Note: rubber gloves when removing jalapeño pepper corns … — Napa (Chinese) Salad chou6 portionsContrairement has to “normal” Napa cabbage (Chinese) Kohl sweet taste and soft …. 2 garlic cloves … 1/2 teaspoon salt … 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper … 1 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard … 1 tablespoon seasoned rice vinegar … 1 tablespoon soy sauce Kikkoman Lite … 3 tbsp vegetable oil … 1 fixed head Napa cabbage give (about 1 1/2 lb) the garlic with the salt, and make a paste in a large bowl. Add all other ingredients except the cabbage chou.Coupez remove and discard wilted or damaged. Cut cut crosswise into 1/4-inch wide strips head. Put côté.Quelques hour before serving mix the cabbage to the dressing and good. The Association urges the carbon and soften slightly. Let accumulated liquid and season with taste … Chicken — Cèpes4 portionsCe court may simply be prepared quickly and easily. It is also tasty and nutritious ………………………….. img code photo … Chicken with mushrooms. Photos: James displays×423.jpg ……………………………. 1/2 ounce dried porcini mushrooms … 1/2 cup boiling water … 4 medium chicken breast simple bone, skin … 2 tablespoons olive oil … 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped … 1 tablespoon lemon juice … 1/4 cup dry white wine … 1 sprig rosemary, without flowers … Kosher salt … Black pepper mouluPlacez the mushrooms in a small bowl. With boiling water and cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let stand for 15 minutes. Through a sieve lined with paper. Reserve liquid and chop mushrooms grossièrement.Préchauffer oven to 400 °. Season chicken with salt and poivre.Placer chicken in a single layer in a baking dish. Combine liquid mushrooms, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, wine and rosemary. Pour the mixture over the chicken breasts and cook for 8 minutes. Put the chicken breasts and cook for 7-8 minutes on the other, or until the chicken inside is pink … — Pasta with cauliflower fleur4 portions as flat as principal6 parts apéritifChou-flower all year round, which makes it easy to prepare this dish. I Serve warm or at room temperature …. 1 small head of cauliflower (about 2 pounds) … 1/3 cup olive oil … 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped … 6 flat anchovies rinsed, drained and finely chopped … 2 red peppers, chilli, halved horizontally, seeded and finely chopped … 2 tablespoons kosher salt … Freshly ground black pepper … 1 pound imported penne or other similar … 1/2 cup lightly packed Italian parsley, chopped finementChou cauliflower into florets and steam heat to tendreté.Faire heat the olive oil in a separate pot. Add garlic and cook over low heat fry. Add the anchovies and stir until pasty. Half the cauliflower and mash with a fork until smooth. The remaining cauliflower and piment.Pendant time five liters of water to a boil in a large covered pot. Mix with salt and the pasta at once and well. Cook uncovered quickly, for about 6 minutes or until al dente (tender but still firm to the bite). Pour the pasta in a colander and shake to drain well. Mix with the cauliflower and parsley. Adjust the seasoning. Note: rubber gloves when handling peppers with honey cake … — 2 loaves, each serving 12Je could not resist sharing this recipe for gingerbread heritage with you. I make this moist cake light on Rosh Hashanah. It’s not too sweet, and when cooled, stay fresh for several days ………………………… img code photo … Gingerbread 300×200. jpg ………………………….. 1 tablespoon unsalted margarine … 2 1/3 cups unbleached flour, plus some for dusting pans … 1 teaspoon baking powder … 1 teaspoon baking powder … 2 large eggs, at room temperature … Cup sugar (bit position) 2/3 … 1 cup brewed black tea, 3 tea bags, made cool … 1/3 cup vegetable oil … 1 cup honey … 1/2 medium ripe bananas, mashed well … Grated zest of an orange … 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon … 1/8 teaspoon cloves moulusGraisser second September Brush x 5-inch loaf pans with margarine and sprinkle with flour. (Wondra flour works well.) Invert pan and tap to shake off. Preheat oven to 325 °. Sift flour and baking powder together directly and baking soda into the bowl of eggs mesure.Battre in an electric mixer on medium speed, gradually adding the sugar until pale and ribbon (about 10 minutes). Reduce the speed and add the tea, oil, honey, banana, orange peel, cinnamon and cloves. Mix well. With a rubber scraper, gradually, both in the flour, mixing well after each addition, no visible traces of farine.Répartir dough evenly between the two plates. Cook side without touching the center of the oven for 15 minutes. Increase the oven temperature to 350 degrees another 25 minutes.Test bake a cake tester in the middle of the bread, it should come out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Loosen sides of loaves with a knife before démouler.Note: To freeze the cake, wrap each loaf in a layer of wax paper, then a layer of aluminum foil and a bag plastique.Helen Nash is the author of the Kosher Kitchen (New Jersey, 1995 ) and kosher Helen Nash (New Jersey, 2000). She lives in New York.Cet paper was presented in autumn 2008 Jewish Action …..

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