and other sweet things

Peak District: Big Ride

Peak District: Big Ride As someone who lives near the coast, I find it odd to think of this spot as a place to come sailing, seeing as we're about as far from the sea as it's possible to be in the UK....

Latest Dark Chocolate Chips Nutritio...

Not all healthy ingredient switches will work with Christmas cookies What about the add-ins, such as chocolate chips? Instead of milk chocolate chips, use dark chocolate, the experts suggested, which can have...

Latest Chocolate Candy Melts News

Sliced chocolate could be even better than sliced bread Whether you love to consume chocolate in candy bars, in ice cream or as a hot drink to keep warm during the holidays, there seems to always be a creative...

Community calendar, week of Dec. 9, ...

Community calendar, week of Dec. 9, 2015 Needed for the men are wrapped candy and cookies and for the women are socks, wrapped candy, toothpaste, soap, VO5 shampoo and Suave shampoo. Monetary gifts are also...

Jiffy Fudge Frosting Mix 7.5-oz Boxe...

[amccamazon asin=”B00HUS1ZMM”] Related Best Chocolate Frosting For Cupcakes Products

Latest Recipe For Chocolate Ice Crea...

Ice Cream Sandwiches With Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies [Vegan] Blend all ingredients except chocolate chips until smooth. Place the mixture in a bowl and add the chocolate chips. Stir gently with a spoon....

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