edition of We Can Work It Out : Hey, Betty Crocker I need a good cake recipe? The most amazing recipe that you’ve seen? Yes, none of the Hershey chocolate. “And no vanilla cake, biscuit, walnut cake or pie carottes.Et obviously no cakes mêle.S” Please give me a special recipe! Thanks a million. 🙂 I love you, Bakers Best Answer:
Answer by Tom ツ
banana pecan cake with enversIl is easy to mess stuff, but if you recipe to the letter, that you and your family and friends will be amazed by résultatsIngrédientsPour Topping: 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar light.1 / 4 cup butter, Sale3 tablespoons maple syrup PUR1 / 4 cup chopped pecans grossièrement4 large ripe bananas, peeled and sliced ​​diagonally 1/4-inchPour the cake: 1 cup usage2 teaspoon yeast chimique1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon moulue1 / 4 teaspoon coffee SEL 3/4 cup sucre6 tablespoons unsalted butter, ramolli1 large œuf1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla extract to café6 tablespoons laitMéthodeChauffer oven to the 325Pour filling: Combine sugar and butter in a medium saucepan, stir over low heat until butter is melted and mixture is well blended. Pour. Into a greased 9-inch cake with a side length of 2 inches Spread coat the bottom of the dress casserole.Verser the maple syrup over the sugar mixture and nuts. Place bananas in concentric circles on nuts, overlapping slightly and for the bas.Pour the cake: medium flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. Beat sugar and butter in a bowl with an electric mixer on high speed until creamy, about 4 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in flour mixture alternately with milk in three additions. The dough on bananes.Cuire until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 55 minutes. Transfer cakes wire rack. Run a knife along the sides. Cool 30 minutes.Placez a plate / tray on the flat, turn cake. Let stand 3 minutes, lift pan to reveal the goodness-banane.trancher caramel cake into large squares and garnish lightly sweetened, softly whipped cream.
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