and other sweet things

I need a chocolate chip recipe for thick cookies.?

problem by SChi25 .? I need a recipe for chocolate chip cookies for thickness I used to have this recipe for chocolate chip cookies, and when cooked, they remained quite thick, as opposed to those Tollhouse to smooth something. The recipe was on the back of the bag some generic chocolate chips, and I lost during my recent move. Does anyone know a recipe for it, or just know a way to thick to make cookies? Thanks in advance Best Answer:

reaction time Sweet G
Chocolate Chip Cookies1 cup sweetened coconut in flocons1 hachées2 cup walnuts or pecans 1/2 cups flour all usage1 teaspoon soude1 / 2 teaspoon yeast chimique1 / 2 teaspoon coarse kosher salt or3 / 4 cup brown sugar, granulated well tasséeSucre 3/4 substance tamped1 cup butter, extract ramolli2 large œufs2 teaspoon vanille2 cups dark chocolate pucesPréchauffer oven to 375 * F (190 * C ). To toast coconut and walnuts or pecans each distributed a separate cooktop. Toast to 375 * F (190 * C) golden brown, stirring frequently, for everyone. It only takes a few minutes. Watch carefully because they burn easily. Let refroidir.Dans a medium bowl, whisk together the baking powder, flour, baking powder and salt mix well. Côté.sucres Place the cream and butter in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until the texture is soft and light in color. Add eggs and vanilla, continue to beat an additional 3 minutes or creamy texturé.Par against, stir in flour mixture until just combined, fold line with baking paper in the chocolate chips, toasted coconut and noix.Venez spoon on baking sheets lined or non-stick, 2 inches apart. Bake in the upper part of the oven for 10 to 12 minutes, or until lightly browned, rotating the baking let cool for about half the cooking time by cooking cookies.Transfert cookies on a wire rack. Store in a container hermétique.Donne 4 dozen biscuits.Valeur Nutrition (per serving: 1 cookie): 114.8 calories, 49% calories from fat, 6.7g total fat, 15.2mg cholesterol, sodium 69.8 mg, 31.0mg potassium, 13.6 g carbohydrates, 0.7 g fiber, 5.8 g sugar, 13.0 g net carbohydrates. Protein 1.4 g

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