and other sweet things

Why is getting rid of all their old games and replacing them?

Question by Jason: D : Why get rid, all their old games and Replace I know that Wrigley is not the owner of the site, but when I looked through more candy stand . com I noticed they got rid of a lot of old games and replace them. with a new game It bothers me, because you would think they would keep the old order. One reserve game in importance They throw all Skyworks games far older, then adding all of these Games Studios quiet bay. I like new also, but it’s just ridicule.Meilleure Answer: Response

Titans 40 Colts 3 by
I am sad to get rid of the candy stand, all their old games. I enjoyed playing. But you must understand that they might want a change, or the site was not very good, so they had to do something new. I am sure that the new games are just fine, but we all miss the old!

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