and other sweet things

Finding gluten-free ways to hold a pie together

Finding gluten-free ways to hold a pie together
And no wheat meant no flour, no bread, no pasta, no cookies, no pizza … I was a little … For savory pies, I found recipes for crusts made from mashed potatoes; sweet potatoes; shredded onion and raw potato; and shredded spinach, cheese and cauliflower.
Read more on The Herald-Mail

New cookbook, with recipes, chronicles our love of cinnamon rolls
Stock up on boxes of hot roll mix, which contains flour, dry milk, salt and instant yeast, then follow Judith Fertig's recipe for Traditional Cinnamon Roll Dough to have rolls ready in about two hours. • Invest in a Danish dough whisk. The stickiest …
Read more on The Idaho Statesman

Cornbread that skips the gluten without sacrificing any taste
I use my own mix in a lot of recipes. A gluten-free pie crust will never be as flaky as my regular crust, but it works well for savory pies, like quiche or potpies. I make yeast breads with gluten-free flour so my husband can have the occasional …
Read more on Schenectady Gazette (blog)

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