and other sweet things

Are these amounts right for making white chocolate ice cream?

question of Selena : Is it good amounts to white chocolate The recipe calls for: 5 ounces chopped white chocolate cream cup finement2 épaisse3 / 4 cup laitLa recipe also requires other things, but I just want to know if the amount of cream and milk are correct, since most of the ice cream recipes I know use similar amounts of milk and cream, and when adding chocolate has nothing to do with him Best Answer.

answer Dottie R
It looks like a rich ice cream. As you say, many ice cream recipes, an equal amount of cream and milk. I tend to use only half-n-half for all this. I guess you could use a similar amount for your recipe, but it could just as easily buy a pint of cream, then add the milk 3/4 cup.

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