and other sweet things

Nice Can You Buy Chocolate Curls photos

Check out these can you buy chocolate curls images:

Botiga Xocolata can buy chocolate
Image MayaMem I had a “Chocolate” matin.Une beautiful stranger could manufactures and sells Xocolata, fancy candy treats in bags to black lace hearts sprinkled cocoa blend of light brown sugar, castor pulled me and fed me his shop doors chocolat.Les Automatic loading were very sensitive to go, someone to trigger the sensor, open the doors and let a breath of air conditioners cooled chocolate into the street loaded. That’s how I sucked in. It is interesting to observe in a chocolate shop and be like people on the street react to the opening of the doors, as if by magic, shows … In the split second it takes to get to the store, you can see how people struggle with the decision to give or not. A woman screaming kids made a mental note to buy birthday party favors in the form of fish, seahorses, starfish A young hippie look with envy at the screen as he struts by. The upper half of his body suddenly seems to move more slowly than the lower half, the eyes and the heart and the gut in slo-mo, display, derived, while encouraging his legs and feet seem to push, go ahead, do not stop. A woman stops in front of the screen, looking at eager eyes widened as she drinks in various shapes, sizes and flavors. She has seven years old when she reached a tendril of hair and wrapped around her finger, lost was my last day in Barcelona in a reverie with chocolat.C ‘. I had to do anything special. It was a very hot morning, when the doors are open and let out a stream of cold air and the smell of hot chocolate, I could not not look inside. Montse is fresh, tender young woman who runs the business. I immediately asked if I could buy some chocolate and pictures. Because I like the idea of ​​a chocolate shop that I said. What to have for a great job. Montse told me her story of how she worked with chocolate for seven years, and they could not sell something they do not believe in. They believe in chocolate was. A bad name below sugary snacks like xxxx and yyyy brands She works with real chocolate, the dark obviously, medical, healing. It really makes people feel better about everything. You should eat a small square of dark chocolate every day, just like you a glass of red wine every jours.Chocolat without it there is no need of life. It makes everyone happy and if you are not happy with his chocolate, because you say it’s bad for you at the beginning of life. Or denied. Or deny himself something else. As repression (something) in the desire tordu.Elle puts his head reflects and looks at me and says, I think you get it. Come try a little chocolate. Commence.Après me and pieces of local specialties, she sits at a table in the small cafe in the lower mezzanine and bring me a cup of hot chocolate. No milk. Only thick chocolate. A light and savory choux mini pretzels. Must dip into the chocolate. It does not taste good by itself, it needs to put in the chocolate and eat. Now I’m going up to the boxes to wrap a little more for a wedding this afternoon. You just sit here and drink your chocolate. And when I was there, a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of me, a little overwhelmed and getting high on chocolate and a chance encounter with a beautiful chocolate étrangère.Montse and function in my project 100 foreigners. See flickr group or online. Montse is not in the picture because they did not want their pictures online.

52.5 – 10 February 2013 können Schokoladenstückchen src = width = “” “400” />
image meg my name is It’s funny how the right before anything else with her hair do decide to start with good hair days. I’ve learned in the last two weeks, when I pin my roots dry with one of my two air conditioners and let my hair air completely, I get loops kick ass and I dig the way my red is on back. Well, the change well and is fun, so I’m still a color change program this week semaine.Une well. A lot of work and hang out with the in-laws. They did fix something around the house and hang with the fun evening. Workouts were exceptionally hard this week, because my waist is and I do not eat well before when I felt like total crap during the session. The next time you eat! I did pretty well on the slow carb diet, but cheated with cheese and chocolate on a few times and bad dinner Friday night. Yesterday was the cheat day and this morning I’m back on the plane and feel good about it sujet.Cours yoga have not started yet because the place I bought was a Groupon Deal terrible. I will not go into details, but I need to feel calm and welcomed when I go to yoga and this place I did not know. So now I check other endroits.J I found the organization that I. For the voluntary and I am really excited to start The orientation is the beginning of March, so I received my review request and expect an answer to my background check in the meantime. It is a haven for children, the lot for the kids (I think especially for young people) and a lot of what I think I’m going to do great. I can work directly or indirectly with children and I hope to do deux.J have done this scarf a year ago and only put 3-4 weeks. I’d rather have, because I LOVE IT! It’s really a wrap (Mara), but I want to wear boots or while flying edge looks and I do not dig the wheels. Again, I’m not really triangular in the eyes when it kicks ass for extra warmth and comfort when it is grouped around the neck. I love it so much I bought the yarn to make a new one and has five out of seven of my knitters a knit-a-long with me that start. Trying to improve to keep Mad Tosh DK is so freaked high tricoter.Je and understand my mouth. I feel know me better this week than I have direction in some areas. NARS Velvet Gloss Lippie Lip Pencil in Mexican Rose. I do not intend to buy, but a girl at Nordstrom had on yesterday and then she sat on me and it blew my mind. Starts light and darkens over time and lasts forever feels good. I love it.

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