and other sweet things

Cool Raspberry Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe images

A few nice raspberry dark chocolate ice cream recipe images I found:

raspberry mudcake Raspberry dark chocolate ice recipe
image pykmi I made this little chocolate / raspberry cake for my friend today because I do not make a cake for the last week when it was his birthday =) found this recipe A Finnish food blog You will need – separated 3 eggs, egg yolk and egg white, 75 g sugar, wheat flour 1/2 dl-200 g dark chocolate raspberry (I have a brand called Marabout) or dark chocolate, only 1 tablespoon of water, 65 g butter, 1-2 dl raspberry sugar powder the egg yolks with the sugar, add the farine.Faire Melt butter in a saucepan, remove from heat and discard the slices of chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted, extra warmth when needed. Add 1 tablespoon water and mélanger.Mélanger whipped egg yolk / sugar / flour mixture chocolat.Battre egg whites until you get a nice foam. Add about a third of the egg white foam with the remaining batter and mix well. Carefully the rest of the foam to the cake a little air. The batter into a springform pan with a diameter of about 18-22 cm. Add a few raspberries in pâte.Cuire at 200 ° C for about half an hour. When the cake has cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar. This cake works best with vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries.

No. 18: Chocolate and hazelnut semifreddo raspberry chocolate ice cream recipe
image afloden recipe (for six) : Melt 125 g dark chocolate. 6 dl whip cream, and cut into 125 g toasted hazelnuts and grainy. Whisk to beat the egg yolk with 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 and creamy. Beat beat the egg whites until stiff in another bowl, then add 175 g (less 2 tablespoons) a spoonful of powdered sugar – whisk between each spoon (the mixture is thick enough). Stir the melted chocolate into the egg yolk mixture. Then cut out the cream and the egg whites mixture. Pour in a durable box to frost and freezes. Preheat the refrigerator for 10 minutes before serving. Decorate as you like better with more chocolate …


20: chocolate and orange dessert Himbeereis recipe Schokolade
image afloden recipe (for six): Mix 200 g cream cheese until soft, add 1,5 dl cream, yogurt 150 (“natural” style), joie de vivre. 3 tablespoons sugar, juice and grated d an orange and 3 tablespoons orange liqueur (such as Grand Marnier) Cut a piece of dark chocolate pinstripe and save the most beautiful pieces. Mash the rest, and add the cream cheese mix with two chocolate bars. Pour prefabricated in chocolate molds and frozen. Before serving, heat gently in the refrigerator for one hour. Garnish with chocolate slices and sweet orange peel.

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