and other sweet things

A Zans for cans — Have you a Zans for cans? You should !! …item 4.. Bring Back Your Childhood with These Popsicle Recipes (Jun 14th, 2012) …

Some cool easy dessert recipes for kids to make by themselves images:

Zans for cans – Have a Zans for cans? You should! Article 4 .. … Bring your kids with these recipes Popsicle (14 June 2012) … easy dessert recipes for kids of eux-mêmes make
Image marsmet543 They are for each time the work week, the children, sun and fun you used, and you need to recharge your batteries ………. ***** All images are by their respective authors …….. At home, we open the boxes. We have many open fields. And that’s why we have a Zan. A Zans for cans is very good. Have a Zans for cans? You should! ……. Pos) 1 ….. … HOME … SPIRITUALITY … LORI Almost Live! … There for a raisonPensez you’re in the wrong place? You ………………………………………. think again . . img code photo … LORI Almost Live! …. Lori Palatnik ……………………………………. by / sp / lal / There_for_a_Reason.html … …. …………………………………….. Youtube video … There for a reason – Lori almost live ….. LoriAlmostLiveVideo of … 3:06 minutes Posted by LoriAlmostLiveVideo 1 January 2012Pensez you’re in the wrong place? Think again. This week, Lori speaks about his personal experiences while touring conférences.Pour more articles and videos of Lori, visit www.aish. com Category: People & Blog Tags: Jewish Dating love marriage matchmaking shiduch shiduchim God Hashem done for reasons of Lori Palatnik Almost Live Aish. ComLicence: Standard YouTube License ……………………………………. .. .. Posted: Saturday 31 December 2011a auteurMme PalatnikPalatnik About Lori Lori is an author and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio and has lectures on five continents, illuminating traditional practices and life-styles for our contemporary world. She and her husband, Rabbi Yaakov Palatnik, live in Washington, DC, where she is the CEO of Renaissance, Jewish women. Lori is the author of “Friday Night and Beyond: The Shabbat Experience Step-by-Step,” “Remember My Soul”, which explains the Jewish concepts of soul and the afterlife and a guide to who has lost a loved one, and “Gossip -Ten ways to eliminate them from your life and Transform Your Soul “, featured on” Dr. Laura “and …….. Item 2) …. … Jewlarious … Jewish humor, art and entertainment … JTUBE … Jtube: Revenge of the Nerds …………………………………. img code photo ……….. Revenge of the Nerds ……………………………………… Why ridicule those who are different? KanewJTube emissions by Jeff questionable / j / jt / Jtube_Revenge_of_the_Nerds. html Posted: Saturday, 31 December 2011 ……. Point 3) …. … The incident bagel … Fortunately, I have a vision of what I want to be and screaming like a banshee is not …………………… …………………. img code photo … MOM FOR … The incident Bagel of Emunah BravermanJanvier ……………………………………… 11 2012/16 Tevet 5772 / f / mom / The_Bagel_Incident.html # It’s a tradition, a party called “Siyum” when you have completed a substantial portion of the Torah Torah.Étude, although they are generally not as forced labor (considered without a helmet or boots construction) actually requires tremendous physical and mental effort (the two go hand in hand.) And it requires determination and consistency. Achievements like everything in life, acquired the Torah through constant effort day after day. Consistency even in the face of life’s challenges is not a small part of the réalisation.Et yes, my husband has recently made a Siyum large (very large!). We had to eat a humble celebration a planned high school fils.Les our teenagers are so simple – some bagels, cream cheese and salmon -. and some homemade desserts I was responsible for the food I baked cookies (my daughter’s gingerbread cookies shaped Torah -. you’re never too old …), I decided vegetable dishes I’ve bought several containers of smoked salmon and cream cheese . Et I ordered 6 dozen bagels a local bakery to be picked up at 6:30 in the morning of the event. I was very happy for my husband I jumped out of bed and ran to the bakery. Okay, I have exhausted myself slowly out of bed and dragged me to the bakery -. a little later than planned, but bagels were not here to receive là.Cliquez our free weekly e-mail “What.?” I cried. ” We ordered the advance. Everyone is waiting. My husband made a Siyum, we need these bagels “In fact, I did not scream I waited a little patience, the exercise of self-control -. Even if my face had informed my mécontentement.Mais I thought these thoughts I could feel. , the frustration begins to infiltrate and grow. But I was not immune to the irony. It was a celebration of the Torah, a study should help us to emulate, the Almighty, to be like God in our comportement.Pour lose my composure in wanted the bakery because I have bagels for Siyum missed the point entirely. approché.Heureusement I, I stopped. Luckily I had perspective. Fortunately, I have a specific idea of ​​what I would scream banshee and lurking in the darkest corners of my Personality is just pas.Je am very proud of my husband’s achievements. I like to think that I grew up. But that’s obviously not enough. I have to go a long way. I think I would do better more than bask in his glory, I’d better dive into a coherent learning the Torah mienne.Et, if you’re wondering, the staff was very accommodating and baked goods … bagels and offers directly at my house 10 minutes later. Not a piece, point remained ……. 4) … The Orthodox Union … www.ou. org / life / food / recipes … Enhancing Jewish life … Bring back your childhood with these recipes PopsiclePar Eileen Goltz | life / | June 14, 2012 / Food / Recipes / bring-back-childhood popsicl … There’s nothing like a popsicle, to quench your thirst after a walk hothothot Shabbat. All of us, at one time or another, paper cups filled with juice or fruit pulp and juice mixture, planted a popsicle stick and put it in the freezer for 4 or 5 hours, and voila, the Popsicle (yes, a popsicle form works just as well, but they are not very fun almost as much like trying to get the stick popsicle stick in the middle of the cup and lean not drunk on one side). As this friendly is a real treat, it’s normal for a nice Jewish 11-year-old boy named Frank invented popsicle. Okay , he (his name was Epperson) by accident in 1903 and originally named the Epsicle, but when his children come frozen popsicle caught it was renamed and history, as they say, was faite.Alors that buying popsicles is now the advantages the delicious cold treat, I will propose a challenge, a project of the summer fun and moms and dads and kids of all ages to himself to make wonderful and delicious homemade create (no artificial colors, flavors or weird ingredients) popsicles. they are for each time of the week when work, kids, sun and happy to wear and you need to recharge your batteries … NOTE: Some recipes call for simple syrup easy to do. Syrup sucre1 / 2 cup water 1/2 sucreMélanger water give and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. cool. This recipe can be doubled or depending on how much you need to be tripled. It will stay in the fridge for a few weeks. — .. Popsicles – Banana Split (dairy) Servings: 6Ingrédients: 1 bananeLait 1/2 teaspoon honey tasse1 soupe1 / 3 cup yogurt vanille1 / 3 cup laitPépites chocolate 1/4 cup chocolate syrup and 1/4 tasse1 café4 honey spoon strawberries or Raspberries, fresh or surgeléesTasse 1/4-1/2Moules milk popsicle cups or plastiqueMode job: In a blender or food processor combine banana, milk and honey until smooth Pour into popsicle molds or 8 oz plastic cup until the mold or cup first. / 3 full. Place set in freezer for at least 1 hour much. then in a blender or food processor, combine vanilla yogurt, milk, chocolate chips and syrup or honey. Gently spoon or the chocolate mixture over the top of banana puree to the cup mold to 2/3. If you use a cup, it is when you drop the stick and pushed through the frozen banana layer is in its place. refrigerator at least 2 hours. When fresh berries with milk 1/4 cup. If using frozen berries, milk 1/2 cup. process and then carefully spoon in the cup or form (at the top of the form). Make Freeze for at least 3-4 hours plus.Soumis Jerome Weiner, 10, Skokie, IL edited by Sheryl mom … —– CITRUS BERRY POPS (pareve) The trick for the best taste, the use of fresh (not frozen) in this window ………….. Code ………………… img photo … CITRUS BERRY POPS (pareve) files/iStock_000020208097XSmall-300×214.jpg …………….. …………….. Servings: 8Ingrédients: 1 cup pureed fresh raspberries (keep a little fat) 1 cup apricot puree or fresh peaches (except some fat) 1 cup fresh mango puree (with fruit pieces) about 1/2 cup sucrede lemon juice or lemon zest lime1 or limeMode job. mix fruit puree in separate bowls and sugar to taste and lemon juice or lime juice Pour berries about 1/3 8 Season bar in forms, insert sticks and freeze until firm , refrigerator about 1 hour. remaining fruit mixture. fill After 1 hour, spoon mango puree into molds 2/3 of the way and in the freezer for 1 hour. At this point, the layer covering tablespoons apricot or peach in the mold or cup, and freeze for at least 2 hours or until the top layer is frozen … FRUITSICLE —– PEACHY MANGO (pareve) servings Ingredients: 1 cup mashed mangue1 cup peach puree mûres1 / 4 cup syrup simplele juice of one lime or lemon (or to taste) ( costs) preferred 6-8 sticks popsicleMode: .. Mix fruit puree in a medium bowl and set aside, add the simple syrup to the fruit and mix lime juice or lemon juice to taste to mashed with lime juice or lemon juice to add to taste, if you popsicle molds have.. to fill them, leaving little room at the top to allow for expansion. Enter the lid and insert the sticks into holes. If you do not have popsicle molds, fill small cups or empty containers of yogurt about 3/4 full, plastic wrap or film on the top and a small slit for inserting sticks. freezing to take ‘, 3-4 heures.Mes files source.ACTION unknown ….

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