and other sweet things

Nice Recipe For Chocolate Ice Cream With Nuts photos

Check out these recipe for Chocolate Ice Cream with nuts images:

time for change … Article 1 .. Déjà Vu in Gaza? – This is reminiscent of the words of Mark Twain: (November 28, 2012/14 Kislev 5773) … Article 2 .. Cobblers, crisps and crumbles (29 November 2012) … alt = “
image marsmet546 We do not have the ability to be passive. Israel is in danger, and we need everyone on board. Verses (2 Kings 3:27) implies that if our enemies know too much dedication and sacrifice for their cause, they will show us même.Aux of Education and activism, here are four important requires: …….. . ***** All images are by their respective authors …………… Item 1) …. Déjà Vu in Gaza? … / cb / month … ISRAEL HOME MEDIA OBJECTIVITÉDéjà seen in Gaza? Four main takeaway from pillar Defense Operation …………………….. img code photo ……… Déjà Vu in Gaza? Shraga Simmons .. ……………………….. by rabbin28 novembre 2012/14 Kislev 5773 / cb / month / deja-vu-in-Gaza.html This is so strangely familiar. A war that began a few weeks after the presidential election of Barack Obama. Gaza had rained asked hundreds of Qassam rockets into southern Israeli cities with long-range missiles from the mad mullahs in Iran are available. With only 15 seconds to run for shelter before impact, causing panic in the streets and missile schools. The danger reached ridiculous proportions, and it was time to stop playing roulette islamique.Il four years ago, Israel launched “Operation Cast Lead” in Gaza to stop rocket fire from. Now we are again, this time with the column operation of Defense (Amud Anan). A few things have changed. According to a U.S. presidential election, nearly 500 rockets hit Israel from Gaza. One million Israelis living in shelters and Iranian missile production have Fajir Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and 50 percent of the Israeli population tir.Israël Iron Dome missile defense system successfully intercepted reach around 250 rockets. But the system is not foolproof, dozens of Israelis were injured and three civilians were killed by Hamas rocket hit their house in the town of Kiryat Malachi.Les Europeans fear that their own capitals someday cible.Pour the time that people of good Will the security of Israel’s right to self-defense are U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a resolution in favor of Israel, and the U.S. State Department. – With a historical bent Arabist – is clear. “It’s to stop the responsibility of Hamas rockets” Even Europeans traditionally hostile – perhaps out of fear that their own capital cities could one day be as targeted – to say. “Israel’s right to live without fear of attack” For its part, has Israel, the production of more than 100 rockets and launch in Gaza decimated. In addition, Israel eliminated arch-terrorist Ahmed Jabari, the commander of the terrorist activities of Hamas, who led a decade of missiles, bombs and the abduction of Gilad Shalit.Où it will all end up a frightening unknown. The Middle East is much more volatile than they were four years ago: Syria is overthrown in a bloody civil war, Hezbollah positions in Lebanon were strengthened, Egypt is now run by the Muslim Brotherhood, anti-government riots in Jordan and Iran broke out four years in possession of the bomb .. —– What can we do? … A. Stay informed, and to redouble efforts to help Israel PR efforts …. Second Strengthen our commitment to Jewish values ​​…. Third Pray for the welfare of Israeli soldiers and citizens of Israel .. We do not have the ability to be passive. Israel is in danger, and we need everyone on board. Verses (2 Kings 3:27) implies that if our enemies know too much dedication and sacrifice for their cause, they will show us même.Aux of Education and activism, here are four important requires: ……. (1) CNN cronies monitored as a spokesman for the terrorist djihadiste.Pour the media, CNN has been a gargoyle in a crowd already ugly media. In a lot of ways – whether CNN founder Ted Turner marking Israeli defense measures “terrorists” or editor of CNN business in the Middle East, Octavia Nasr, expressed his grief over the loss of a leader terrorist group Hezbollah or Palestinian spokeswoman Diana Buttu undisputed saying on CNN, that Qassam rockets (with its metal ball bearing 7000 and 20 pounds of TNT) contained “no explosive warhead” – CNN seems all too often on the edge pro-activism palestinien.Cette time CNN seems to be going in the same direction. A video by Zain Verjee, CNN anchor in London World Report is based, looks like it would be. Home on Hamas TV, as it ignores any semblance of objectivity and takes over the role of challenger repellent Note especially .. 00:57 – “As these air raids peace and quiet?” .. 2:00 – “Fifteen children were injured – they are not targeted operation” .. 3:46 – “Are not you make an already bad situation,” The good news is that Israel is a great spokesman Mark Regev, a native of Australia, has shown a remarkable articulation and cool face these provocations CNN. Keep an eye on CNN and in the meantime, click here to complain about the video report Verjee terribly biased …….. (2) In addition, missiles and aircraft, there is a media war sociaux.Les Gone are the days in which terrorists spread their hatred through a video to Al Jazeera disaster. Today, “followed by” only squad of Hamas rockets on Twitter @ alqassambrigade of surfing or , where you You can even choose your favorite color combination. More shameful Palestinian rocket launcher teams now Google Earth to choose their targets civiles.Israël remained always, when it comes to public diplomacy -. The infamous “hasbara” In trying to world public opinion affect the standard mode of the government was a cacophony of competing – and sometimes contradictory – messages from various manifestations of the Government Press Office, IDF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense . Cette time it is different. Israel is ready to quickly, accurately, and – believe it or not -. “Media savvy” The Ministry of Public Diplomacy coordinated an aggressive campaign under the banner ………. “Israel is under attack.” ………………………. img code photo … What would you do? / images / Deja-social.jpg …. ….. ……………………….. The Israeli army, a series of successful campaigns, viral as graph showing the statue Facebook. Freedom and other international locations, the overwhelming message of rockets. “What would you do,” After killing the terror leader Jabari, aligned the Israeli army immediately posted a YouTube video of the strike Calls were 4 million copies, sends an important message to three different audiences …. A warning to militants in Gaza: “We can be anywhere, anytime.” … A message of reconciliation to the Israeli public: “We are not powerless in the face of repeated rocket attacks.” … Comfort for those who are interested in collateral damage, “We can beat them with the utmost precision ..” This is a war of social media. In the course of the strike, Jabari, IDF is a direct warning to his colleagues tweeted Hamas, Hamas then tweeted, own threat: ………………. ……………….. img code photo … Tweet … IDF – November 14, 12 ….. Alqassam Brigades – November 14, 12 / images / Deja-tweet.jpg ………………………………… involved. Follow the Israel Defense Forces. Website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr And above all: Share ……. (3) bias in the New York Times – What’s New The New York Times has dark spots, all the way back to the Holocaust, when saving the gross under-reporting of events crippled efforts to generate public support millions Juifs.Or Gaza, plays the New York Times with the facts. An editorial in the New York Times points out that Hamas “has to be maintained primarily to a ceasefire with Israel after the informal war in winter 2008-09.” Could someone please explain how to set up the Jive with the fact that Hamas has 650 rocket attacks launched in 2011 and nearly 1,000 this year? Meanwhile, the corresponding prices and times of Isabel Kershner Akram profess dubious events and said that. “In response to what Israel calls repeated attacks by missiles,” the Israeli military operation In the eyes of the Times, launch hundreds of rockets from the Gaza Strip is not a fact, but “what Israel calls repeated rocket attacks.”. The Times is also uncertain about the nature of Hamas, saying it is “of Israel is considered a terrorist group dedicated to Israel’s destruction.”. According to the Times just keeps Israel Hamas a terrorist group. Why ignore the Times that Hamas as a terrorist organization? of the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and the UK As regards the claim that Hamas “of Israel as viewed … sworn the destruction of Israel”, time is somehow unaware of the Hamas Charter, citing the destruction of Israel as its primary objective? Do not you think the time Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar of Hamas, saying:. “None of our son and grandson will accept Israel as a state of law … Israel is a foreign body not in this generation, not the next generation, we will here waiting? “Until now we have at least been the tale of the rocket attacks four years ago when the Times require spared that Hamas.” We did not deliberately target civilians are investigated military bases, but the primitive weapons make mistakes. ” This is reminiscent of the words of Mark Twain: While there are laws to protect freedom of the press, there is unfortunately no, to protect people from the press …….. (4) Industrial Pallywood fake allégations.Quand it comes to civilian casualties plays, as nobody in the Gaza Strip. Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic notes that Hamas prevented “the funeral or even preparing the body for burial, until the bodies are used as props in the Palestinian Passion Play. Once in Khan Younis [in Gaza], I saw gunmen unwrap one sheathed body perform hundred yards and position it on a pile of rubble -. and then wait half an hour until photographers showed this was one of the worst things I’ve seen in my life And that’s typical of Hamas “Hamas.. has taken the initiative in promoting false losses. “Palestinian child wounded in an Israeli air strike.” Twitter, @ AlqassamBrigade the photo of a shared Astute Media Monitors to note that in fact the image of a child injured in last month’s civil war syrienne.Pendant this time, has AFP / Getty photo of a Palestinian man released to pick up a doll. On broken glass This scene was real? It is possible. But with such a confluence of rare elements – the human hand positions the fraction of a second from the blank Doll perfectly under the rubble – logic rejects the possibility that the photo journalists “just happened” to the to the floor in an ideal position to time. It is simply too good to vrai.Dans be a classic case of “fauxtography”, BBC and others posted images of an “injured” man to safety carried out by five other men. Thirty seconds later, the man is shown – miraculously – on foot, healthy as a lark. (See the clip here to see, and until 2:42.) At the same time Hamas desperately makes successes falsely claimed the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem have achieved, and for the killing of an Israeli drone killed several soldiers here to receive jeep.Cliquez The weekly e-mail be sure gratuit.Pour, registered Hamas more losses in military confrontation and is always desperate to win the media war, we can s waiting for further attempts to orchestrate events. As Professor Richard Landes has predicted. Whether by accident or Hamas Israeli engineering, wait a massacre of civilians in the coming days, followed by an orgy of Pallywood photography, reinforced by a compliant media in the West and even more anger in the streets of the Muslim world and the West. It is the playbook Hamas .. Four years ago, the UN school in Jabalya, Gaza provided fodder for a massacre (later denied). This time it will likely depend on Hamas just long enough to earn points coveted PR. After all, the Gaza events seem to happen again ……….. Item 2) …. Orthodox Union … / life / food / recipes … Improving quality of life juiveCordonniers, chips and Eileen Goltz effritePar | 29 November 2012 | / life / food / recipes / Shoemaker-chip crumbles-rt … Please note: Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer. The Orthodox Union makes no endorsements or representations regarding kashrut certification of various products / suppliers mentioned in his article, a blog or a website web.Il are many rivalries in the Torah. We Moses / Pharaoh (“Let my people go”), Jacob / Esau (“Brother, can you spare a mess of pottage?”) Brouhaha And especially at this time of year with all of Chanukah and the Maccabees / Greek. But I say, are close, this is child’s play compared to what goes on in my kitchen, when the shoemaker makes sharpness and then the winner is nothing chocolate desserts soit.Ces fruit really American. Just to be clear, is a cobbler is a fruit dessert with a thick crust, deep-dish (usually a cookie-dough) …………………. . img code photo …………… Crisps and crumbles×300.jpg …………………………… Crisps and crumbles are almost the same as a shoemaker only stuffed with breadcrumbs. The combination of the seal on personal preferences. You can mix shortening, flour, nuts, bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, graham cracker crumbs, breakfast cereals or even crushed up And FYI, the crumble is only the English version of the island croustillant.Comme for one of the following recipes for a plate full of latkes ( potato pancakes) are served, it is up to you. Fortunately, you have just enough time to make a stir, until you have finished a game without barred router (router). And if you replace an apple with a pear, peach need a, c ‘is good .. . —– Pick-and-A CRISP MIX (dairy or pareve) Servings: 6 to 8Ingrédients … 5 cups apples, pears, peaches, apricots, peeled and sliced ​​or frozen unsweetened sliced ​​peaches (do not drain frozen fruit, if you use it) … 2-4 tablespoons sugar … 1/2 cup regular oatmeal … 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar … 1/4 cup flour … 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, ginger or cinnamon (optional) … Butter 1/4 cup margarine or … Nuts 1/4 cup coconut or chopped, or a mixture of deuxMode job: Preheat oven to 375th Show fruit choice in ungreased 2-liter square baking dish. Sprinkle sugar on top and a bowl mélanger.Dans oats, brown sugar, flour and nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon. Cut the butter or margarine until the mixture is combined and crumbly. Then nuts and / or coconut mélanger.Saupoudrer topping over fruit. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the fruit tender, but not mushy, and the top is golden and bouillonnant.Options Pick and Mix: Make a double batch of crispy oat mixture and trim excess Store in a freezer bag. Seal, label and freeze up to 1 mois.Blueberry Crisp: For the filling, mix sugar 1/4 cup with 3 tablespoons flour. Mix with 5 cups fresh or frozen blueberries not sucrés.Cerise Crisp For the filling: Mix sugar 1/2 cup, 3 tablespoons flour 5 cups fresh or frozen unsweetened pitted cherries acidulées.Rhubarbe Crisp: For topping, combine sugar 3/4 cup with 3 tablespoons of flour. Add 5 cups fresh or frozen rhubarb slices sucré.Mise not updated and presented by René Onella San Francisco, California. Original source unknown … —– Cornmeal COBBLER BLUEBERRY (dairy or pareve) Servings: 12Mode job … 4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries (do not thaw if frozen you) … 1 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar … 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca … 2 teaspoons of lemon zest … 1 teaspoon cinnamon … . Quarter teaspoon nutmeg >> Filling: …. Butter 1/2 cup margarine, softened, divided … 1 cup powdered sugar … 1 egg … 1 cup flour … Cornmeal 1/2 cup … 2 teaspoons baking powder … 1/2 teaspoon baking powder … 1/2 teaspoon salt … 3/4 cup buttermilk or milk does not replace … 2 tablespoons maple syrup (use the real stuff) Instructions: Preheat oven to 375th Grease a baking dish and set 11 X7 côté.Dans a large bowl, combine the blueberries, sugar, tapioca, lemon peel, cinnamon and nutmeg. Let stand for 15 minutes. Pour into a small bowl shape préparé.Dans butter 1/4 cup or margarine and sugar. Add egg and mélanger.Ajouter flour, cornmeal, baking powder, baking soda and salt creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk or substitute non dairy products, mixing just until blended. The batter over the fruit mixture. Bake is used for 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the center comes propre.Dans a small saucepan melt the remaining butter or margarine over low heat. Remove from heat and stir in the syrup. Brush the corn bread. Roast 4-6 inches from the heat for 1-2 minutes or until bubbly. Serve chaud.Mise Update recipe from Judy Watson Tipton, IN, Taste of Home, 2012 .. . —– Pear and Cranberry COBBLER (dairy or pareve) Servings: 8 to 10Ingrédients: >> Filling: … 2 pounds firm Bartlett pears, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch quarter … 1 2/3 cups fresh cranberries (6 ounces) … 1 cup sugar … 2 (1 – to 3-inch) strips orange zest, finely chopped … 1/4 cup red wine … Ground allspice 1/4 teaspoon … 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, cut into morceaux.Biscuit >> covering: …. 1 1/2 cups flour … 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder … Rounded salt 1/4 teaspoon … 1 cup cream or herbal substitutes divided … 1 teaspoon sucre mode job: Preheat oven to 425th Grease a 9X13 baking dish and set a bowl côté.Dans spice mix pears, cranberries, sugar, orange zest, red wine and pepper. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and shape the top with butter or margarine. Cover the bowl securely with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil and continue cooking until cranberries burst and pears tender, 15 to 20 minutes to fill supplémentaires.En cooking what cookies are: Mix flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl, then add 3/4 cup + 3 tablespoons of cream or not replaced and stir milk, just until a dough is formed. Experiences shape the dough into a ball and transfer to a lightly floured surface (dough feel dense and heavy). Carefully remove the dough 6 times, then in a round 8-inch (about 1/3-inch thick). Cut tap as many rounds as possible with cutter transfer to a lightly floured sheet of wax paper. Collect waste and tap again, then cut out more rounds. You have about 16 tours.Soigneusement but soon the fruit on top with hot biscuits, with in 1 layer. Brush biscuits tablespoons remaining cream or herbal alternative sucre.Continuer and bake until cookies are puffed and golden cobbler 15 to 20 minutes. Cool 15 minutes before servir.Épicure, November 2011, … from a recipe by Shelley Wiseman SWEET POTATO COBBLER —– (dairy or pareve) Ingredients: >> Filling: … 2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes … 1 liter of water … 3/4 cup corn syrup … 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar … 1 teaspoon cinnamon … 1/2 teaspoon allspice … 1/4 teaspoon salt … 2 tablespoons butter or margarine … . 1 vanilla pod tsp >> cookie dough: …. 3 cups flour … 4 teaspoons baking powder … 3/4 teaspoon salt … 3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) cold unsalted butter or margarine, cut 1/2-inch dice … 1 1/4 cups milk or herbal remplacementMode employment: Peel the sweet potatoes, then halve the length and cross-sectional slice 1/4-inch thick. The potatoes with the remaining filling ingredients in a 4 wide – to give 5-quart pot and simmer, covered, until potatoes are almost tender, 6-8 minutes.Transfert to give the potatoes with a slotted spoon into a bowl. Boil the remaining liquid, uncovered, up to about 2 cups (it is syrupy), 20-25 minutes.Faire the dough and bake cobbler reduced: Preheat oven to 375.Dans a bowl the flour, baking powder and salt. Cut the butter or margarine until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in milk or non-dairy substitute with a fork until a ball, then turn out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead 7 or 8 times. Pâte.Rassemblez one batter Share form the dough into 2 pieces and each into a disk 1 disque.Étalez floured rolling pin with a 14-inch round (about 1/8 inch thick) and into the bottom and halfway up sides of casserole dish, press the sides helping to respecter.Abaisser remaining dough into another cycle of 14 inches, then cut a 12-inch round with a paring knife, book garnitures.Verser half sweet dough evenly surrounded with a pot, then cover with a lining layer of batter, to cover cutting and assembly, the only seals the potatoes. Add the potatoes and pour the syrup over the apples terre.Couvrir potatoes to seal the dough to 12-inch round, pressing edges. Cut 3 steam vents in the top with a knife. Bake cobbler until the top is golden brown, 40 to 45 minutes. Cool to warm (dough absorb more syrup) before serving, about 30 minutes Adapted from a recipe Nathan Whitaker Jean Sanders … —– MANGO CRISP (dairy) servings. 8Ingrédients: … 8-9 cups sliced ​​mangoes … 1 teaspoon cinnamon … 1 teaspoon nutmeg … 1/3 cup butter … 1 box of cake mix Books … 1/2-1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts … Whipping cream, whipped cream or glace mode job: Preheat oven to 350.Dans a bowl, combine the mango, cinnamon and nutmeg and place it on the bottom of a form giving 9X13.Placer cake mix in a bowl and cut butter crumbly. Nuts and mix. Sprinkle the topping over the fruit and bake for 50 to 60 set minutes.Retirer the oven for 5 to 10 minutes and let unknown before serving with whipped cream, whipped cream or glace.Mes files source. . . GRAPE —– RHUBARB CRISP (dairy or pareve) Servings: 8Ingrédients … 5 cups sliced ​​fresh or frozen rhubarb … 2 tablespoons flour … Cup raisins 1/2 … 1/2 cup raisins … 3/4-1 cup brown sugar … January 1-1/2 teaspoons cinnamon … 1/4 teaspoon salt … 1/2 cup flour … 1/3 cup quick cooking oats … Butter 1/3 cup margarine or outdated employment: Preheat oven to 375.Graisser one 9X9 baking dish and set aside. In a bowl, combine rhubarb, raisins and 2 tablespoons flour, and pour into prepared pan. Without cleaning the bowl, add the brown sugar, cinnamon and salt sprinkled on fruits.Dans the same bowl, mix the oats, flour, 1/2 cup butter and. Cut the butter or margarine until the mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle this mixture on top of the field. Bake for 40-50 minutes until the top is golden and bouillonnant.Mes files, source is unknown .. Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer, born and raised in the Chicago area. She graduated from Indiana University and the Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris. She lectures on various topics related to food in the United States and Canada and writes weekly columns for the Chicago Jewish News, and the OU Shabbat Shalom Website. She is the author of the Perfectly Pareve Cookbook (Feldheim) and is a contributing writer for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Group, Chicago Sun Times, Detroit Free Press and the International Women Magazine. You can Eileen blog by going to: Cuisine by Eileen.ACTION ….

dessert-1 style = “recipe for chocolate ice cream with Nüssen”
Image akeg Ingrédients1 fresh pineapple, peeled, cored, cut into cubes ( about 4 cups) * 2 tablespoons coconut rum ** 1/3 cup flour all Usage1 / 3 cup firmly packed brown sugar foncé1 / 3 cup cold butter or margarine, cut into morceaux1 cup walnuts, chopped white chocolate cookies and macadamia nuts, sweetened 1/2 cup coconut in floconsSimple Coconut Ice Cream (optional) PréparationMélanger pineapple and rum Spoon into a baking dish 9-inch or 6 (5 inches) dishes individuels.Mélanger flour and sugar in butter, stirring with a pastry blender or fork until the mixture crumbly. Stir in bread crumbs and coconut and ananas.Cuire AT400 ° C. Sprinkle golden brown for 30 minutes or until golden. Serve with Coconut Ice Cream easy if you désire.Remarque: For testing purposes, we used Pepperidge Farm Tahoe Cookies Chocolate blancMacadamia BIG * 2 (20 ounce) cans pineapple chunks in juice. drained, can substitués.Extrait coconut ** 1 teaspoon of coconut rum can be replaced


Join the Jewish Revolution (June 05, 2011) … Article 3 .. Noisettes: Bring sophistication to a flat near you (29 February 2012) … alt = “
image marsmet541 The melting pot that our grandparents prayed for America turned into a crisis of Jewish life .. …….. ***** All images are by their respective authors ……. marsmet543 photo … ………………………………………. …. / h / sh / t / The_Revolutionary_Revelation.html .. ……………………………………… … This … Therefore, I believe that for many Jews today, there’s really no reason why. Really convincing Jews and non-Jews should not try a soulmate more socially acceptable for them equally, regardless of their faith Moreover, I do not think the slightly higher rate of divorce that married couples experience makes a big difference, after all, 3 of 5 marriages end in divorce in America all cas.Ni what I feel, because six million Jews died in the Holocaust that You or someone else has the Jewish obligation to marry in order to perpetuate the Jewish people. If you perpetuate positive for the Jewish people in light of the Holocaust, very good moves. Otherwise, it is important for each person to do what is best for you même.Oui, it is true that the melting pot that our grandparents prayed for America. Itself into a crisis of Jewish life But these are questions that cosmic Jewish continuity and survival of the Jews, and it is not expected that any of these issues play a crucial role in our individual choice of companions. We must live our lives as best we can, and cosmic forces working in cosmiques.Article questions: Why not marry each ………………. …………………………. / jw / s/48969651.html …… ……………………………. ………. …………… But I believe there is a compelling reason to choose why a Jew, could not marry. You see, in human history, the Jewish people has been at the forefront of efforts to what we Jews Tikkun Olam (the perfection of the world). Our Torah is his revolutionary ideas in the world, and we, the Jewish people “chosen”, a “light unto the nations” to put these ideas into the vast market of civilization humaine.Il is our Torah leads the revolutionary concepts of ” Love your neighbor as yourself “, care of orphans, widows, the disabled, abroad. Our Torah mentions “love the stranger” 36 times, mentioned more than any other mitzvah in the Torah! It was our Torah, which brought the world the concept of no pain to animals, and yes, even the concept of conservation. It is our Torah which states that a person must “work” the earth and “guardian” of the earth, the land must be canceled one year to regenerate in seven. It is our Torah says that says even in time of war, we can not cut a fruit tree, even if the life of the Jewish soldiers are involved, or to divert the water of the city state siège.C is our Torah that even in times of war, soldiers need to get rid of their body waste properly. In fact, we are the first members of the Sierra Club were, we were the first to respond, and Shaker, to save the whales and to protect the snail dard.C this beautiful and revolutionary tradition that we have managed to to teach the peoples of the world, through modeling and osmosis. In fact, it is our Torah was announced for the first time: And although Hammurabi recorded exactly the same words 300 years earlier Canaanites code was its importance to the ancient Canaanites, very different, “Thou shalt not kill. ‘. According to the Code of Hammurabi, when I killed the son of my neighbor, my neighbor can come and kill my son. If I raped the daughter of my neighbor, my neighbor could to rape my daughter, or take my daughter as a concubine. If I killed the slave of my neighbors, I could my neighbor 15 camels and we = d still. Hammurabi, human life was just chattel. Consequently, if I caused someone to suffer a loss of property, as I had him, or loss similaire.Trois 100 years later, the Torah says: “Thou shalt not kill” – the words are exactly the same, but the intent was light-years apart. Our deposits Torah that each person is responsible for his own actions / for his / her own crimes. The Torah insists that we do not punish innocent son of a murderer for a crime his father commis.En fact, our Torah, the world informed with the idea of ​​the concept of the sanctity of human life – that if you take a life, You can be a crime against what the ancients called “God,” which philosophers have undertaken today, the “Company” renamed. Therefore murder charge today generally in the form of the “State of California vs. John Doe” because the world has accepted our vision of what is “Thou shalt not kill”, and supports the Jewish idea of ​​the sanctity of life humaine.Je again and again and could quote hundreds, even thousands of revolutionary ideas, which introduced the Jewish tradition in this world, that Western society has taken. The Jewish people have worked hard for the perfection of the world, and everyone is not perfect, you can look proudly Jewish history as an endless series of ethical and moral triumphs and perhaps réalisations.Et Above all, the Jews are not lit the world forcing their beliefs to others through crusades and holy wars. Jews say: “Kiss the Jewish Star or we’ll cut off your head!” We have to model. And while we have a long way to go, we’re very proud of what we accompli.Oui, Jennifer, you can live happily ever after with Paul. But if you want to marry him, you can not be part of this incredible legacy that was clean and spiritually enlightening the world. You could say “big deal”, that is your choice. Me and my Jewish brothers think it’s a big deal. In fact, it is the most important thing we can do with our lives is – “., The world under the rule of the Almighty enlighten” We know that even if Jews to marry Jews, it is very difficult to live the life, commitment, which is to honor the Jewish people and God. There are many in-married Jews, who have no idea of ​​what our mission is divine. They could remain Jews, but their impact is negligible. It is very likely that only a small number of Jews who is her life to the preservation and teaching of God’s message to continue making a difference in this world. Unfortunately, for those who are not married to Jews, the chances of promotion of these ideas and ideals, no matter how noble their intentions are practically nulles.Le choice is to keep part of a legacy intact chain of this divine mission vivante.Et therefore in effect, it is important to recognize that the choice you make is not only a decision to change your life with a man in particular, who live not Jewish. The decisions that you make is a choice now part of a heritage, a legacy intact, 150 generations of Jews who came before you, who have struggled to match their values, ideals, and in many cases their lives to keep the chain of divine mission alive. It is this commitment that has us. Privilege, a lighted environment, which has so many assumed by these traditions and have integrated them into their own system valeurs.Je want you to know that I love you always But if you marry Paul, select, and he does not convert, you actually cut themselves from the lights and the glorious tradition of 3300 years, a tradition that is strongly dedicated to the sacred mission to teach the world the idea of ​​the sanctity of human life and “perfect the world under the rule of the Almighty.” All I ask is, now that you have to consider my words and make an intelligent decision …. Point ….. 2) …. youtube video … Hey Hop, central Comnd IDF band … 2:29 minutes ……… הרם את המורל, להקת פיקוד מרכז bingo1941 & , feature = related הרם את המורלביצוע. להקת פיקוד מרכז 1960 לחן: משה וילנסקימילים: יחיאל מוהרלהקת פיקוד המרכז היא להקה צבאית בצה”ל הלהקה נוסדה בשנת 1954 על ידי קצין החינוך של פיקוד המרכז רס”ן יצחק יצחקי, והפכה עם הזמן לאבן יסוד במוזיקה הישראלית. הלהקה זכתה לשיא הצלחתה בתוכניות אותן ניהל הצמד דני ליטאי ויאיר רוזנבלום לאחר מלחמת ששת הימים. בין הלהיטים הבולטים של הלהקה ניתן למצוא את “שנינו מאותו הכפר”, “גבעת התחמושת”, “הימים האחרים”, “וזוהי רק ההתחלה”, “יא ליל”, “יש לי אהוב בסיירת חרוב” “; מסביב למדורה” ” שומר החומות “,” סימן שאתה צעיר “” כשנחזור “,” שירו ​​של צנחן “,” בכי תמרורים “,” צ’רלי צ’פלין “,” חיילים יצאו לדרך “” טוויסט מולדת “,” לא רוצים טובות ” , “טנגו תורנות”, “קום לך אל ניווה”, “האיש מן הבקעה” ועוד. רבים מבוגריה של הלהקה מהווים היום חלק מתעשיית התרבות והמוזיקה הישראלית, כמו אושיק לוי, רוחמה רז, טמירה ירדני, שייקה לוי, שלומית אהרון, דורית ראובני, דני ליטאי, חדווה עמרני, אריה לבנון, יואל לרנר, גלית גיאת, דוד ד ‘אור , מזי כהן, עידן אלתרמן, אלי גורנשטיין, עודד קוטלר, Category: Music Tags: IDF הרם את המורל להקת פיקוד מרכז משה וילנסקי יחיאל מוהר זהר ליכטנשטיין License: Standard YouTube License … Point ….. 3) ……. / life / food … Improvement of Living juiveNoisettes: introduction of sophistication to an apartment near vousPar Eileen Goltz | 29 February 2012 | / life / food / recipes / hazelnuts door sophistic … Please note:. Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer, The Orthodox Union makes no endorsements or representations regarding kashrut certification of various products / suppliers in its listed items, a blog or website web.Je think about joining a support group for lovers of hazelnut Some of us who love mother can not find it -. and if we ask for it, c is always, “Do you hazelnut or hazelnut?” We answer “yes”, and we are from all the usual suspects have travail.J / food and we tried came with empty hands. So if anyone out there knows where to find one of them, email me. I had to go online and wait 3 days to ……………………………… ……………. . Img code photo … Fans of hazelnut! / wildlife / files / Hazelnuts.jpg …. …………………………………….. .. For the story .. a hazelnut is almost a hazelnut, and vice versa. They are a variation of the mother herself (like a twin, but not entirely) with a slight difference in shape, size and flavor – but not enough to really make a difference. Hazelnuts are usually packed ground nuts that are nice, are those who see the rule all or hazel haché.Le name is actually “good” name of the tree and nut. The tree was probably first brought to America by the French colonists and settlers were English, the hazelnut (oh those crazy English settlers, ever-changing name) renamed. For the purposes of this column, we use hazelnut because it is the name most commonly used jours.Mon our advice is to buy your already hazelnuts. They are a pain to crack and peel. You have to remove a papery skin adherence to the mother before roasting, and most people love to the first (but not necessarily). You share your hazelnuts in a single layer on a baking sheet with sides of biscuits. Bake at 275 for about 15 minutes, until the skins begin to break down (shake the pan a little after 10 minutes). Let cool for about 5-7 minutes. Then place it in a clean towel and roll in both directions until the skin begin to peel. It can not be the whole skin, but that’s OK, they know delicious one façon.Il exactly that when all else fails your research efforts filbert / hazelnuts and you have to [complete recipe here] cook in time, you can always macadamia nuts in a pinch. Bombed Guide1 measure cups hazelnuts in shell pounds = 1-1/2 pounds = noix.1 hazelnuts 3-1/2 cup = 5 oz tasses.1 onces.4 floor, easily packaged = 3/4 oz ground tasse.1, light = about 3-1/2 tablespoons of cooking … —– HAZELNUT without DROPS (dairy or pareve) packaged servings: 2 douzainesIngrédients: 1 cup hazelnuts hachées1 oeuf2 cups powdered sugar (sifted) 3 tablespoons softened butter or vanilla margarine1 spoon cafépincée SEL 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate (melted and cooled square) 6 oz miniatures1 kosher marshmallows 1/2 cup coconut flakes, grilléeMode employment: 1. Preheat oven to 350 Spread chopped walnuts on a baking sheet with sides and bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Cool completely. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla and salt. Beat, mix until very light and fluffy, then slowly chocolat.2. In another bowl, combine marshmallows and nuts, then by hand, fold the nuts and marshmallows in chocolate mixture. Scoop. Teaspoon into the bowl with the toasted coconut and roll the mixture into a ball, she is covered with toasted coconut Place the ball on waxed paper and repeat. Refrigerator until servir.Soumis Simons Olive Chicago, IL … —– ORANGE CHICKEN and Hazel (meat) meals: 4Ingrédients: 4 bone breasts chicken1 cup hazelnuts hachées1 pankosel cup bread crumbs and pepper goût2 beaten egg with a teaspoon of water in a sauce bol3 tablespoons margarine 2 large oranges, peeled and hachées1 Orange1 cup Juice 1/2 cup rice milk 3 tablespoons wine or amande2 blanc1 / 8 tsp thym1 / 8 tsp marjolaineMode application: 1 Preheat oven to 350 Grease côté.2 one 9X13 baking dish and set. In a saucepan, combine orange pieces, orange, almond or rice milk, wine, thyme and marjoram. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce thickens. Set aside. In a bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and nuts and côté.3 set. Dip chicken in egg mixture and water, then mix with crumb. Melt the margarine in a frying pan and lightly brown the chicken on both sides about 3 minutes on each side. Place chicken in prepared pan and pour on the sauce. Bake, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes, until chicken is cuit.Mise updates Butternut Squash … —– lasagna and HAZELNUT (dairy) This recipe – from Gourmet Magazine, now defunct – takes a little time and effort, but it’s really peine.Portions: 6 8Ingrédients: Squash Filling: 1 large onion, haché3 tablespoons unsalted butter 3 pounds pumpkin, peeled, seeded and chopped garlic 1/2-inch1 spoon Café1 DC SEL1 / 4 teaspoon pepper blanc2 tablespoons fresh cilantro parsley plat4 teaspoon fresh sage hachée1 cup hazelnuts (4 oz), toasted, loose skin with a paper towel wiped and roughly hachéesSauce: 1 clove garlic, minced teaspoon café3 tablespoons butter, chopped salé5 farine5 cups milk1 Journal laurier1 cc of SEL1 / 8 teaspoon pepper blanc1 / 2 lb. mozzarella cheese, coarsely grated (2 cups) 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese (3 oz) 12 lasagna (1/2 lb) Instructions: 1 Filling: Cook onion in butter in a skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Add squash, garlic, salt and white pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until squash is tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and stirring in parsley, sage and nuts. Remplissage.2 cool. Make sauce while squash cooks: Cook garlic in butter in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Whisk in flour and cook the roux (equal parts fat butter or margarine and flour and liquid – milk, water, broth), stirring, 3 minutes. Add milk in a stream, whisking. Bay leaf and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Whisk the salt and white pepper and remove from heat. Remove the bay leaf. (Cover surface of sauce with wax paper if not using immediately.) 3 Assemble the lasagna: Preheat oven to 425th Mix together the cheeses. Spread sauce 1/2 cup butter 13 – by 9 – by 2-inch glass baking dish (or other fireproof 3 liters) and cover with 3 sheets of dough, so that spaces between the leaves. Spread sauce 2/3 cup and a third of the filling, then with cheese 1/2 cup packed sprinkle. Repeat two more times overlap, starting pasta sheets and ending with cheese. Garnish with the remaining 3 restant.4 pasta sheets, remaining sauce and cheese. Tightly cover the dish with buttered foil and bake lasagna in middle of oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake them until golden brown and bubbling, 10 to 15 minutes. Let lasagna stand for 15 to 20 minutes before servir.Mise updates gourmet HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE COOKIES 2001 … —– (Dairy or pareve) I use a mini ice cream scoop to form cookies. If you do not invest now: they are perfect for the right amount of batter for each biscuit.Portions: 4-5 douzainesIngrédients: 2 cups farine1 / 3 cup unsweetened Dutch-processed cocoa (yes, this kind of cocoa) 1/2 teaspoon powder have pâte1 / 2 teaspoon SEL 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts, 1 cup butter or margarine, sugar ramolliDe half tasse1 œuf1 large spoon vanilla pod Café1 cup chocolate chips in the middle sucrésucre poudreMode application: 1 In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa, hazelnuts, baking powder and salt. Mix. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter and the sugar and beat for 2 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla, mix, make sure to scrape sides of bowl. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips and beat until smooth. Heure.2 the dough in the refrigerator for the first Preheat oven to 325 (You can grease the pans if you prefer) Lay Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Make giving a cup or two of sugar in a bowl. Scoop a tablespoon of dough into a ball. Roll cookies in powdered sugar to coat completely. To dig further and cover the dough and place 1 inch apart on the prepared baking sheet. Flatten slightly. With the bottom of a glass or a spatula Repeat until there. No trace of pâte.3 Cook for 4 minutes, then rotate the pan (upside down) and cook for another 6 minutes. Let the cookies. Cool for 3 minutes before removing from cookie sheet Do not let it boil over, its best when slightly less done when you are out, then they will set up as they cool on the baking sheet. If enough to remove from the baking sheet, cookies set on a cooling rack. When the dust totally cool with icing sugar supplémentaire.De my unknown source files … Salmon salad with raspberries HAZELNUT —– (fish) Servings: 4Ingrédients: Raspberry Coulis: cup raspberries 3/4 fresh sucreD’huile (about 3 1/2 ounces) 3 tablespoons rice wine or wine vinegar blanc1 spoon half tasse3 up 6 teaspoons water 1 cup raspberries for garnitureSalmon: chopped 1 cup hazelnuts (about 4 1/2 ounces) 3/4 cup panko breadcrumbs or plaine1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon kosher salt gros3 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, divisées1 / 3 cup mustard 1 mielMayonnaise / tasse1 4 tablespoons mustard Dijon4 large skinless salmon fillets (about 2 kg) 4 tablespoons butter, salé3 tablespoons oil soupe4 cups greens salade1 cup toasted hazelnuts hachéesMode job: a. In a food processor, combine mix raspberries, vinegar and sugar until smooth. With processor, gradually the oil and water by teaspoonful as needed (add water if the sauce is too thick). Season to taste and season with salt and pepper and set côté.2. Preheat oven to 375th Hazelnut mix panko, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper and 2 teaspoons into a shallow bowl and set aside. In another bowl, combine honey, mustard, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and remaining salt and pepper. Mélanger.3. Rinse salmon and pat dry. Dip it in the mixture of mayonnaise, honey mustard, then dip the wet in the nut mixture. Make sure that both sides are covered by pressing the mixture into the salmon. Place salmon on a assiette.4. In a large skillet melt the butter and the oil. Add the salmon enter into the pan and cook until brown, then turn (about 4 minutes per side, depending on thickness). Place salmon lay on a baking sheet and keep warm (or cool and cold, you can serve this cold, but I prefer hot) to servir.5. Divide salad on 4 plates and salmon. Garnished with fresh raspberries and toasted hazelnuts and drizzle the raspberry sauce on dessus.Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer, born and raised in the Chicago area. She graduated from Indiana University and the Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris. She lectures on various topics related to food in the United States and Canada and writes weekly columns for the Chicago Jewish News, and the OU Shabbat Shalom Website. She is the author of the Perfectly Pareve Cookbook (Feldheim) and is a contributing writer for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Group, Chicago Sun Times, Detroit Free Press and the International Women Magazine. You can Eileen blog by going to: Cuisine by Eileen.ACTION ….

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